Smart Automatic Movable Road Divider

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Kishore Kumar N, et. al.


As population is increasing day by day, the vehicles are also increasing, which causes heavy traffic in the highly populated cities. We have observed that the traffic is high in peak hours and also construction of new roads and repair of them also increases the traffic. As vehicles are waiting in the same place for long time the pollution in that particular area will also become high. We have scrutinized the situation and understood that the vehicle queue is high on one side of the lane (either left or right side of divider) and other side of the lane would be free or less vehicles, to overcome such issues we can use the medial strip (road divider) which moves automatically, where it consists of sensors to detect the intensity of traffic. Based on the intensity, the medial strip could move on any one side of the lane and reduces the conjunction of vehicles. With IOT technology we could also clear the traffic for emergency vehicles (by changing the traffic signal from red to green) and we could save a precious life.


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How to Cite
et. al., K. K. N. . (2021). Smart Automatic Movable Road Divider. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 6953–6962.
Research Articles