Structural Mitigation of Bila River, Sidrap Regency

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Abdul Rivai Suleman et al.


Flood is one of the natural disaster occurred in Indonesia. This disaster also occurs in Sidrap Regency every year, in which the high rain intensity and broken embankment are the main causes of this disaster. There are three districts submerged by the inundation of Bila River, namely district of Dua Pitue, Pitu Riawa, and Pitu Riase. This research aims to gain information about floodplain of Bila River and mitigation in reducing the occurring impact on Sidrap Regency. Based on field inventory and HEC – RAS simulation on existing condition, it is known which location points are inundated so that they are causing flood disaster on Sidrap Regency. The result shows that after structural mitigation, which is repairing broken embankment and increasing the height of embankment potentially overflowed, through maintenance and rehabilitation on freeboard height 1.2 m and soil embankment crest wide 5 m, floodplain area are reduced on Q2 = 23%, Q5 = 6%, Q10 = 3%, dan Q20 = 3% . Therefore, structure mitigation need to reduce the impact of flood disaster of Bila River in Sidrap Regency.


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How to Cite
et al., A. R. S. (2021). Structural Mitigation of Bila River, Sidrap Regency. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 3573–3577.
Research Articles