The Communicative Approach and Oral Expression in School: Theoretical Review

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María Luzmila Huanhuayo Gabriel et al.


The aim of the present review work is to analyze publications made on the communicative approach and oral expression at school. To conduct this literature review, 22 articles were examined from the Scopus, EBSCO and Scielo databases; in English and Spanish, between 2017 and 2021. The terms used for the search were: "Oral expression", "oral communication", "students", "communicative approach", "Communicative approach ADN oral expression", "oral communication AND Communicative approach". Likewise, 12 articles were used for the analysis of the results, which were previously organized in a table of analysis and selection of articles by article title, author(s) and year, country, sample, methodological design, indexing and contributions to the review. As a result of this review, it was found that the communicative approach contributes significantly to the teaching-learning process for the improvement and development of oral expression competence in a practical and experiential context. Likewise, it is optimal for teaching English as a second language. On the other hand, it also has satisfactory results in electoral campaigns that design diverse strategies to convince the electorate using iconographies that express their desires and interests. Likewise, it is effective in the marketing field to bring your products to the targeted customer. On the other hand, it is used in the field of sports, to achieve an empathic communication between the sportsman and his fans.


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How to Cite
et al., M. L. H. G. (2021). The Communicative Approach and Oral Expression in School: Theoretical Review. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 3241–3247.
Research Articles