The Development of Action Learning Contexts Input Process Output (Alcipo) Model Design with Character, Career and Gender (Gender) Insights in Special Education

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Wiwik Dwi Hastuti et al.


Inclusive education, it provides the widest possible opportunity for all students who have physical, emotional, mental and social disabilities or have the potential intelligence and / or special talents to obtain quality education according to their needs and abilities. Given that students with special needs at every level of education really need cultivation and understanding of the correct character formation and get services regarding the career that they will choose after completing their education. The CIPO model developed by JaapScheerens aims to determine the quality of the school and the development of existing achievements in students. In a review of "Perspectives on Educational Quality" this framework was chosen due to the fact that the framework was found to be comprehensive, flexible and applicable to describe the functioning of the education system. The product of the book instrument of the Alcipo Career model and the Authentic Assessment Instrument in Learning based on the Alcipo Career model is only developed with a few sub-themes. The product developed can be an alternative to thematic learning, especially in self-assessments, written tests, and the Alcipo Career model. This research can be used as a basis for developing an authentic assessment instrument based on the Alcipo Career model which is innovative and more creative


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How to Cite
et al., W. D. H. (2021). The Development of Action Learning Contexts Input Process Output (Alcipo) Model Design with Character, Career and Gender (Gender) Insights in Special Education. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 3217–3227.
Research Articles