Analysis and Derivation of Optimum Data-Driven Approach for Detecting DDoS Attacks

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R. Sathya et al.


DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks at the application layer are exceedingly difficult to detect and minimise. HTTP flooding, XML attacks, DNS attacks, and other application-layer attacks are all possible. HTTP flooding is the most well-known and well-known application-layer attack. In PC organisations, HTTP flooding detection and relief is a fascinating research subject. Various approaches based on distributed networks with some problems counting packets or redundant submissions sent from a malicious device are used to protect against these attacks.  Owing to a lack of communication equipment, this is the case. Two limitations are used to mitigate all packet flood and imitation flood attacks. Claim-carry-and-check can quickly detect violations of both limits. The search for inconsistency against full statements is easy. This was created with a distributed system in mind. Furthermore, it allows for a small number of attackers to collide. A new vulnerability known as Ad Hoc Flooding Attack triggers a denial of service when used by all on-request ad hoc networks routing protocols. To preoccupy bandwidth and clog up the link, the malicious user either transmits a substantial percentage of route request packets for devices that are not present in networks or delivers a large number of data packets.


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How to Cite
et al., R. S. (2021). Analysis and Derivation of Optimum Data-Driven Approach for Detecting DDoS Attacks. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 3193–3198.
Research Articles