The Effects of MALL on Language Learners' Mastery of Technical Collocation: Use of Instagram and Adobe Connect

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Setare Beyranvand, et. al.


Technology is dramatically altering the educational systems around the globe in one way or another. Considering the importance of technology in one hand and the significance of learners’ vocabulary mastery on the other hand, the researchers have attempted to investigate the possible effect of Instagram and Adobe Connect on Iranian undergraduates’ technical vocabulary enhancement in digital ESP settings. In so doing, 60 participants ranging in age from 18 to 40 were selected to achieve the goal of this quasi-experimental study. The participants were then divided into two experimental groups which practiced vocabulary learning procedures (i.e., corrective feedback tasks, output tasks, and input enhancement strategies) in the above-mentioned platforms. Several statistical procedures such as a paired-sample t-test and an independent sample t-test were run in distinct phases. The results indicated that both groups made progress with respect to their vocabulary mastery, but the Instagram group outperformed the other. The pedagogical implications of the study are also presented together with the suggestions for further research.


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How to Cite
et. al., S. B. . (2021). The Effects of MALL on Language Learners’ Mastery of Technical Collocation: Use of Instagram and Adobe Connect . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 6697–6709.
Research Articles