Securing Industrial Infrastructure against Cyber-Attacks Using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence at the Age of Industry 4.0

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M. Aliyari


Fourth industrial revolution or industry 4.0, refers to advancements in manufacturing systems and services using “cyber physical systems” to increase manufacturing capabilities and flexibility to adapt production quickly and efficiently in response to changing conditions and demands. we first discuss a few applications of the industry 4.0 to get familiar with technologies used , we then identify the cyber security risks involved in different areas and phases of Industry 4.0 applications, finally, we will discuss possible solutions to mitigate the potential attacks and increase the system robustness using machine learning.


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How to Cite
M. Aliyari. (2021). Securing Industrial Infrastructure against Cyber-Attacks Using Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence at the Age of Industry 4.0. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 6581–6594.
Research Articles