Influence of Job Characteristics on Employees’ Job Satisfaction: An Empirical Study

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Melvin Moras, et. al.


The objectives of the present study were to find out the influence of job characteristics on the job satisfaction in employees of Community Rehabilitation Projects and Sustainable Livelihood Project of non-Governmental organization. To respond to the problems presented and established on the literature reviewed, the researcher proposed several null hypotheses.

Methodology - The present study adopted survey method. Purposive random sampling technique was embraced to choose samples and the data was collected by using virtual platform. 38 items were used to assess the job satisfaction of the employee in our present study.  Participants, n = 267 (89%) returned the filled questionnaires.

Findings - The findings of the present study of showed that the job satisfaction exists among the employees at mean value 5.65 with standard deviation of 0.64. It was very evident from the analysis that both job characteristics and psychological states are important for the employees’ job satisfaction. The results were interesting and displayed that all the variables had significant relationship between skill variety, task identity, task significance, degree of autonomy and feedback and their perception of job satisfaction. The results revealed that the significant levels between all the variables were (0.00) which is significant at (0.05). All the values of correlation coefficient (r) between the variables of psychological states were interesting and showed less than 0.5 (r  <=  0.5), which indicated us there was a low positive correlation between the variables of job characteristics.


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How to Cite
et. al., M. M. . (2021). Influence of Job Characteristics on Employees’ Job Satisfaction: An Empirical Study. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 6499–6506.
Research Articles