Appearance behavior and its relationship to happiness at the female students of the kindergarten department

Main Article Content

Bayader Ahmed Bahjat Al-Bayati, et. al.


Summary of the research

The current research aims to identify the relationship between appearance behavior and its relationship to happiness among female students of the kindergarten department. The research is limited to female students of the kindergarten department at (Al-Mustansiriya University / College of Basic Education) for the academic year 2020-2021. In order to achieve the objectives of the current research, the researcher built a measure of appearance behavior, as the number of its paragraphs in the final form reached (48) paragraphs. A sample of (350) female students were randomly selected from the kindergarten department in (College of Basic Education - Al-Mustansiriya University), for the academic year (2020-2021).

Research problem

Sandra (1996) stated that changes in behavior, represented by observation, new expectation, and the individual’s expectation that he is being watched, all impose on him in certain situations to display appearing behavior. Society and especially in its function (Sandra, 1996: 13)

Happiness is one of the topics of positive psychology, which is one of the basic variables of personality. Happiness is an emotional and sentimental state characterized by positivity that includes feeling pleasure, joy, satisfaction, hope and optimism. And Macri (Costs & Mccrae, 1999). The research problem can be summarized by the following question: (Is there a relationship between appearing behavior and happiness among students of the kindergarten department)

research importance


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How to Cite
et. al., B. A. B. A.-B. . (2021). Appearance behavior and its relationship to happiness at the female students of the kindergarten department. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 6442–6449.
Research Articles