A Desk Analysis On Humanoid Robot

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Neelima Mishra, et. al.


There is diverse course advancement of wheel robots are active for covered surroundings and various robots are helping within society in diverse sincerity regions in like manner using one as of the existing course methodology. A bit of the allocation robots are outstandingly renowned similar to robots of China allocation in diners are using stroke fan course advancement and a couple of papers discussing the RFID based course development as well. In this assessment, the relationship of SLAM based course advancement with line ally and RFID Navigation development independently to prove the extension in adequacy of SLAM robots in assessment with others is discussed. Humanoid robots are engaging; in various public domains robots are allocation and besides pull in general society by their stunning capability just as by their arrangement. Regardless, for new organizations the gathering of a humanoid robot goes with massive cost, as a result it is critical to make a light heaviness robot to diminish the rate devoid of distressing the presentation of robot.


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How to Cite
et. al., N. M. . (2021). A Desk Analysis On Humanoid Robot. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 6358–6363. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v12i11.7019
Research Articles