An Analysis of Earning the Market Share Vs Buying the Market Share

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Sonika Kanojia


The current market is going through lot of changes. The companies in all the industries are making lot of exciting strategies to compete with each other and secure a big portion in the overall market share. The two primary strategies used by the companies to acquire the market share are buying the market share and earning the market share.

To observe the consumer behavior that which one of the aforementioned strategies affect the customers the most, we conducted an analysis by way of this research paper. An intensive literature review was done apart from going through the audited records of many companies to know about their marketing strategies. Best possible research methodology was used to accomplish the desired objectives. The study was conducted in Chandigarh University, Mohali (Punjab), which happens to be more like a Cosmopolitan. The required data was collected using a structured questionnaire; presented to the respondents post pretesting. The results showed that customer finds the steps used in the buying of market share to be very fascinating and attractive. Though, these strategies works well in short term but in the long term, it’s the Earning the market share strategy (that includes quality of the product and creation of Brand equity) which decides the customer’s tastes.


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How to Cite
Kanojia, S. . (2021). An Analysis of Earning the Market Share Vs Buying the Market Share. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(2), 185–190. Retrieved from
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