Survival Analytics of MOOC Learners and predicting the influencing factors of their active participation

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T.Chellatamilan, et. al.


MOOC is the largest online learning platform across the world. Many large universities are offering their courses with free, open and online with unlimited participation. MOOC is a learner centric environment as the learner has the full freedom of choosing the course and course content with respect to their own learning pattern or styles. MOOC intern can accommodate content through recorded lecture, videos, reading transcripts and conducting quiz or assessments. MOOC also accomplishes the discussion forum through which the learner can do their conversation to other peer learners as well as to the course owners. The discussion forum also connects the similar learners into a group from a spacious scope of experience and learning background across the earth. Furthermore, there are also few characteristics that the MOOC platform is considered. In our proposed method we have used the additional covariates in determining the survival probability of the online learners with a hybrid parametric approach which improves the prediction accuracy substantially.


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How to Cite
et. al., T. . (2021). Survival Analytics of MOOC Learners and predicting the influencing factors of their active participation. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 5943–5949.
Research Articles