Analysis of the development of educational competencies according to teaching modalities through the use of ICT

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Michael Lincold Trujillo Pajuelo, et. al.


One of the main objectives of the convergence process within universities is that the design of study plans and teaching programs should be carried out taking student learning as a reference point. Hence, in the development of a plan, in addition to defining the contents of the training program, the procedures that will be applied in the development of the teaching-learning processes must specified to encourage the methodological change from teaching focused on the teacher's activity to another oriented to student learning. This implies that once the competencies to be developed by students in relation to an educational level are established, the next step is to design the activities that they must carry out to achieve knowledge as a result of this learning process. The design of a plan cannot be limited to the distribution of subjects and credits, but must specify the teaching methods that will allow an average student to achieve the proposed learning; that is to say, to specify the methods and methodologies of the teacher and the student that are considered appropriate according to the objectives. The purpose of this study is to define and characterize the main teaching methodologies based on the use of technologies that can be used in higher education, specifying the main activities and tasks to be developed by teachers and students for each of them.


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How to Cite
et. al., M. L. T. P. . (2021). Analysis of the development of educational competencies according to teaching modalities through the use of ICT. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 5882–5890.
Research Articles