"Investigating An Inducement, Of Gen-Z Behavior – Avoiding Social Media Advertising"

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Mrs.Pragathi. A, et. al.


Note that six thousand to ten thousand adverts, on average estimated, can be exposed to a consumer in a single day, as per the study. On the go, Gen z; are on the cusp of adulthood, as they are the colossal consumer market than any other generation.They've been grownup in a technology-driven world without any doubt; Indeed, they breed up with limitless options, but their time is not so. As a tech-native, they depend online for most of their activities; consequently, online marketing has stretched out popularity as the primary media for advertisement. As a result, most Gen z deliberately avoids social media advertisements, such as scrolling past or ignoring them. Therefore, this research aims to identify distinct profiles of people who are resistant to social network advertisements. According to the report, Gen Z is "more adept" at downloading ad blocking software in the U.S. when it comes to blocking digital advertising. Adblocking is an increasing problem for brands, with 309 million people doing so on the mobile web alone, according to statistics from Page Fair released in May 2016. Unconcerned users, playful avoiding users, and goal-oriented users were identified as three distinct behaviors of Generation-Z, who differed in their Avoidance of ads in Chennai city.  The report suggests that backlash, both to the individual advertiser and ultimately to the entire industry when this frustration results in more people installing adblocking software. Given this, the only natural way forward is for brands to create content that will stop Gen Z in their tracks.


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How to Cite
et. al., M. A. . (2021). "Investigating An Inducement, Of Gen-Z Behavior – Avoiding Social Media Advertising". Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 5841–5847. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v12i11.6866
Research Articles