How Innovation Process and Digital Innovation Influences in IT Organizaton

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J. Jayanthi, et. al.


Purpose of this paper is to study the influence of innovation’s in Indian IT Industry, review the literature on the effect, impact of the innovation in service organization and to develop a conceptual framework of the factors involved in the organization and business model innovation. The author reviewed the various literatures related to the innovation, how it is impact, influence and effect the organization and industry. The researcher develops the conceptual framework and business model of the innovation. The most recent studies investigated the how innovation relationship with TQM and service organization. The study examines the impact of innovations in IT organization, business model innovation on it and conceptual framework on innovation are proposed. Innovation in IT organization is to finding the creativity ways to provide value to the client. Innovation is an essential service in all IT organization due to high and tough competition in the world. Each and every organization, to deliver a new innovation to the world for competitive environment, otherwise it is difficult to keep on the world. A comprehensive review of literature on effect and influence of Innovation was carried out to accomplish the objectives of this study.  The conceptual model framework would help the manager, decision makers and client’s to select the innovative ideas and also provide the flow of innovation process and how innovation’s implemented in the IT organization.  The Business Model Innovation describes the rationale of how an organization creates, delivers, and captures value of innovation idea’s.


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How to Cite
et. al., J. J. . (2021). How Innovation Process and Digital Innovation Influences in IT Organizaton. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 5774–5781.
Research Articles