Using RC6 in embedding information in spatial parts of image construction

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Shaymaa AbdulHussein Shnain, et. al.


With the development of means of communication, computer science and information exchange via electronic information networks an urgent need emerged to find ways to save exchanged information Encryption had a prominent role in this area However, with the development of intrusion hackers become able to access to information and change it This showed the need to adopt more sophisticated technology and more confidentiality in order to preserve the information So, it become famous to use the system of coverage in which the sent the information being invisible to anyone, through hiding it inside the sent media, such as audio, image, text, and video   The purpose of this research is to maintain the security and confidentiality of information against a hacking operation Or break the image code as it is a cryptographic application where it encrypts images Which we want to keep from tampering with the intruders, and that the image to be encrypted is robust BMP 24bit This paper deals with how the key is generated and then uses it to encrypt

The selected image opens this code with the same key and this process was executed by language Programming  MATLAB This paper aims to apply the idea to hide image message, using the least significant bi t algorithm inside an image and encrypt it in a new way for encryption .For the purpose of increasing security of the access of the letter it is being encrypted to hide the message before using the Encryption for the highs text This in turn increases the strength of encryption .


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How to Cite
et. al., S. A. S. . (2021). Using RC6 in embedding information in spatial parts of image construction. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 5106–5110.
Research Articles