Sme Performance Before And During The Global Crisis Due To Covid-19 Pandemic

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Chairul Hakim, et. al.


SMEs in Indonesia have a great potential in driving people's economic activities as well as significant contribution to Gross Domestic Product (GDP). In the face of the global crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic, SMEs are required to be able to increase their competitiveness both financially and non-financially. With regard to SMEs performance appraisal, the approach used in conducting the assessment is to use a balanced scorecard consisting of financial and non-financial performance from the perspective of customers, internal business processes, and growth and learning. In this study, the authors wanted to examine whether the financial and non-financial performance of SMEs was different before and during the global crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses primary data obtained from distributing questionnaires to SME actors. The research was conducted in the East Jakarta area. Based on the Central Statistics Agency (2020), the growth of SMEs in the region is quite high. Data was analyzed through the average difference test. In this study it was found that there were differences in financial performance before and during the global crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic, and there were also differences in non-financial performance before and during the global crisis due to the Covid-19 pandemic.


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How to Cite
et. al., C. H. . (2021). Sme Performance Before And During The Global Crisis Due To Covid-19 Pandemic. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 4938–4944.
Research Articles