Epresentation Of Survival And Women Identity In The Novels Of Coetzee

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Dr. Shalini Infanta L


Survival and Identity are intertwined gestures of human existence. Being the most existing and important stratum of any level of conscious or existential struggle, survival and identity crisis, delves within the structures of a constructed human being. A human being is very much constructed through the realms of the societal and the cultural standards and the consciousness of a human being is decided by the way the being reacts to certain situations in life. Through the characters of Coetzee, the survival and identity of the human beings with reference to post feminism and existential feminism, is dealt with precision, as to bring in the ideologies of balance in absurdity, existence in wilderness and intelligence through power, eliminating the power struggle.


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How to Cite
Dr. Shalini Infanta L. (2021). Epresentation Of Survival And Women Identity In The Novels Of Coetzee. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 4449–4453. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v12i11.6582
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