Strength Performance Test of Permeable Concrete

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Yafeng He, et. al.


In this paper, the correlation of strength performance of water permeable concrete with reinforcement, fine aggregate , 42.5 cement and solid C30 is studied by field test. First of all, according to the relevant literature and field experimental research data to construct the contents of field experiments, then the effective data statistical analysis. The following results were found from the study :1, The amount of permeable concrete rubber is 350~430 kg/m3, For each additional 40 kg/m, Concrete strength can improve a strength grade, and the permeability and compressive strength can meet the requirements of experimental C30. 2. if the initial and ease of the mixture is similar, The more obvious the enhancement effect is, The lower the permeability coefficient of permeable concrete, The reinforcing agent promotes the cohesion of fresh permeable concrete, It can ensure the uniformity of aggregate wrapped in slurry; On the other hand, the reinforcement component in the enhancer promotes the density of the slurry, Reduced inter-aggregate defects, The strength of concrete increases. 3. with the increase in sand rates, The compressive strength of permeable concrete also increases, Because of the fine aggregate, Increased number of contact points between the promotion, At the same time, the thickness of cement mortar wrapped outside the record is also significantly increased, Increased bondability between aggregates, More dense inside, So that the strength of permeable concrete greatly increased, So adding a proper amount of fine aggregate is beneficial to the strength of permeable concrete, But not too much, Otherwise, it would make the permeable concrete dense, Loss of its permeable function.


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How to Cite
et. al., Y. H. . (2021). Strength Performance Test of Permeable Concrete. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 3939–3949.
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