Design of A Two -Way Note Sharing System

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Mohit Pant, et. al.


The lecture is as yet the essential instructing and learning structure in college and will remain so because of its cost-viability. Nonetheless, understudy separation brought about by the conventional instructional style of talk - with its single direction data stream permitting next to zero connection keeps understudies from exploiting this learning worldview. Some work has been done to address this issue by re-planning talks to consolidate more teacher and-understudy collaboration, however presently can't seem to be broadly embraced. In this paper, we present a novel way to deal with applying an understudy focused community learning instructional method into the talk climate through a novel ongoing collective note-taking application Group Notes allow understudies willfully to draw in themselves by methods for understudy to-understudy communication. Fundamental understudy criticism has demonstrated that the methodology is academically and actually doable and understudies are very open to this methodology because of its great factor and companion inspiration.


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How to Cite
et. al., M. P. . (2021). Design of A Two -Way Note Sharing System. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 2918–2922.
Research Articles