Patterns of Comic Shape in the Designs of Industrial Products

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Huda Mahaood Omar, et. al.


The study deals with the study of patterns of comic body in the design of industrial products, which are borrowed from characters of different characteristics, it has an effective role to attract the recipient by owning the product, a study problem states the inclusion of comedy patterns within the Industrial Products Authority and summarized the following question - How can comedy patterns be achieved in the design of industrial products bodies? And that the importance of the study aims to attract the user to the industrial product and sheds light on comedy as a method of attraction to the authority as well as included the theoretical material (Industrial Product Design Authority - comedy and its patterns). As for the most important results (it relied on simulation in its various methods (puns, paradox and irony) as well as the style of parody, as it followed the caricature style in terms of exaggerating features) and that the most important conclusions state (comic bodies in the design of the Industrial Product Authority are based on simulation in its various methods (puns, irony and irony) and comedy is only achieved if the product is the opposite of what is expected of it. Caricature, which is achieved by simply exaggerating part or all of the product's body).


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How to Cite
et. al., H. M. O. . (2021). Patterns of Comic Shape in the Designs of Industrial Products. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 2458–2469.
Research Articles