Borewell Management, Deaths Of Children- A Case Study In India (Dangerous Than A Whole In Heart)

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Dr K. V. V. Raaju, et. al.


Imagine that suppose your children fell into a bore well nearby your home place how do you feel a feeling came to my mind.  When I go home I saw news in the Television Channel one boy fell in the bore well.  From the past 10 years I am hearing this news in TV channels.  99% people also I found dead while I thought that why it is happening I found a problem which is the starting point of my research.


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How to Cite
et. al., D. K. V. V. R. . (2021). Borewell Management, Deaths Of Children- A Case Study In India (Dangerous Than A Whole In Heart). Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 940–946.
Research Articles