Technology Transformation through Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) towards Small and Medium Enterprises (SME), Tamilnadu.

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Chandrasekaran.S , et. al.


To improve productivity and overall business performance, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) is one among the solutions for the Small and Medium Enterprises (Software companies) in order to face the global challenges. Though ERP systems, which evolved from Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP II) systems, have many advantages, there are some failure stories also. The Indian firms and particularly Small and Medium Enterprises. The objective of this research is to determine to implement and design the functionality based on business process, to create a configuration and programming and to provide the valuable suggestion for improvement. For better controlling and management of data latest Technologies have been supplied within ERP software package. The descriptive research adopted in the study has been Simple Random Sampling method which is used with the sample of 86 respondents in which both primary and secondary data is used all over the Tamilnadu. The foremost purpose of descriptive analysis is description of the state of affairs because it exists at the present. The statistical tools have been used such as Chi-Square, Correlation, and Anova. Questioner method is used as a research instrument for collecting the data. The main characteristic of this methodology is that the investigator has no management over the variables; he will solely report what is going on or what’s happening. This research concludes by saying it enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of organisational is improved and implemented by ERP system and they need to adopt a proactive business solution rather than a mere IT solution.


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How to Cite
et. al., C. , . (2021). Technology Transformation through Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) towards Small and Medium Enterprises (SME), Tamilnadu. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(11), 532–549.
Research Articles