Analysis of Students’ Web Browsing Behaviours Using Data Mining at a Campus Network

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Murizah Kassim, Muhammad Ahlami Ashraf Roslan


Analytics provides insight to people based on the analytics of past usage by using techniques such as statistics, data mining, machine learning and artificial intelligence. Lack of monitoring system of browsing causes low engagements that reduce the growth of certain businesses caused by unnecessary browsing for students learning time. This paper presents an analysis on browsing behavior that classifies browsed words followed their ethical word-groups browsing. An Analytic platform is created as a monitoring system of browsing behavior. Data mining, indexing and classification method are used in this research as data is the essential key of creating a predictive model and four types of ethical groups have been filtered based on the browsing behaviors. The browsed words are categorized into four types of browsing called queries, applications, social media, Campus-related sites. The research method uses software tools and data mining process on the browsing data and analytics is presented on the development of the dashboard mainly using the R programming language. Few unethical words using the indexing method are generated in analytic graphs based on the type of browsing versus time. Data collected from the browsing behaviors of students’analysis taken from browsing database of personal computer and laboratory computer in the campus network. The result shows that othercategories are the highest categories which reached79.6% for personals' computer browsing compared to72.4% browsing at the laboratory computers. It is identified that about 21% of the browsing behavior was filtered during the data mined processed. The other category is still on the research portfolio where these libraries must be filtered in detail to identify whether they are learning or non-learning activities. This research is significant in that helps to increase the effectiveness of suggestions applications, optimize the internet usage by blocking unnecessary words or webpages, and even campus guide systems by monitoring the surrounding browsing behavior of the students’ usages of the campus network computer labs.


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How to Cite
Muhammad Ahlami Ashraf Roslan, M. K. . (2021). Analysis of Students’ Web Browsing Behaviours Using Data Mining at a Campus Network. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 2726–2738.
Research Articles