Puppets in the Development of Communicative Competencies in Elementary School Students

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Lina Veronica Yanac-Leon, Juan Mendez Vergaray, Edward Flores


The objective of this systematic review is to analyze the relationship between the use of puppets in the development of communication skills in children. Methodology: 20 articles obtained from the Scopus, EBSCO, Dialnet, Redalyc databases during the months of January and February of this year were used for the research; the study was carried out using the Prisma methodology; the inclusion criteria were research articles, systematic reviews and quantitative studies that addressed the relationship between puppets and communicative skills, and as exclusion criteria: those that did not collect the necessary data for the study, that is, with methodological deficiencies, or those that were not directly related to the categories. Results: 160 documents, 150 articles and 10 theses were reviewed, and 114 research studies were selected after eliminating duplicates, having been excluded 36 articles and 26 theses that did not respond to the categories and methodology; likewise, the evaluation of 32 full-text articles was determined, of which 32 studies were excluded for not meeting the inclusion criteria; and 11 articles and 9 theses were used in the study. Conclusion: It was found that there is a cause-effect relationship between puppets and communicative competencies, insofar as they favor attention and motivation to communicate children's thoughts, feelings and ideas.


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How to Cite
Edward Flores, L. V. Y.-L. J. M. V. (2021). Puppets in the Development of Communicative Competencies in Elementary School Students. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 2439–2446. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v12i6.5687
Research Articles