Teaching Graphs To Students With Visual Impairment In Inclusive Schools

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Rajeswari B, et. al.


This present study aimed to explore the level of performance of graphs skills among students with visual impairment. Here in this study, the performance was measured in terms of plotting and finding points in the Cartesian plane using tactile/ any other graphing aid. In addition, this study attempted to find out the method of answering to graph questions in the tests/ exams. This survey study comprised of 30 special teachers. The tool used in the study was a questionnaire containing 20 questions focussing on level of performance of graph skills among students with visual impairment, plotting and finding points in the Cartesian plane using tactile / any other graphing aid and the method of answering to graph questions in the tests/exams. The results revealed that there were scanty number of aids/ devices to perform graphs and all the students with visual impairment used scribe to answering graph question in the test/ exam.


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How to Cite
et. al., R. B. . (2021). Teaching Graphs To Students With Visual Impairment In Inclusive Schools. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(10), 7324–7326. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v12i10.5623
Research Articles