A study of “forced-ad resistance” leading to “Skip Ad” on YouTube

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Osama Ahmed Abdelkader


The current policy of YouTube forces viewers to watch ads for at least 5 seconds before appearing “Skip Ad” button to continue watching the video. Recent studies show that a large percentage of watchers skip YouTube ads whenever possible but the factors behind such viewers behavior has not been analyzed so far. This paper presents two concepts aiming understanding of YouTube users’ behavior and maximizing the ad effectiveness by exploring; “forced-ad resistance” (FAR) and “ad-characteristics resistance” (ACR) factors. Current study aims to discuss to what extent ad-skipping behavior is affected by the influence of each one of these two factors, and to explore the significant impact of four demographic characteristics: age, gender, education, and income. The data were collected from 2531 of YouTube users through an online questionnaire. The validity and reliability of the results were tested by using a set of statistical measures through SPSS. Based on our findings, recommendations for academics and practitioners in the field of advertising are made.


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How to Cite
Abdelkader, O. A. . (2021). A study of “forced-ad resistance” leading to “Skip Ad” on YouTube. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(10), 7263–7271. https://doi.org/10.17762/turcomat.v12i10.5617
Research Articles