Deep Learning Strategy to Recognize Kannada Named Entities

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M. Pushpalatha, et. al.


Entity representatives are useful in understanding the natural language tasks including the semantics of the Kannada sentences into various entities. In this paper, we have come up with new pertained tag based representative learning of words and entities based on the bidirectional parsing. The proposed research works on segmenting the sentences of Kannada words into various taken, where every token makes various contributions in understanding the semantics of Kannada Sentences which treats words and entities in a given text as independent tokens, and outputs tagged entities based on representative learning mechanism. The research also has focused its attention towards achieving the results of good classification accuracy while recognizing the entities are through the tagging mechanism that is an extension of the general self-tagging  mechanism of the Supervised Machine Learning Technique, and considers the types of tokens (words or entities) when computing attention scores. The erected research work has given its significant contribution in terms of good results over a standard benchmark datasets. In particular, it obtains state-of-the-art results on five well-known datasets: Open Entity (entity typing), TACRED (relation classification), CoNLL-2003 (named entity recognition), ReCoRD (cloze-style question answering), and SQuAD 1.1 (extractive question answering) as well as Kannada Named Entity Recognition of Central Institute of Indian Languages.


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How to Cite
et. al., M. P. (2021). Deep Learning Strategy to Recognize Kannada Named Entities. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(10), 5731–5737.
Research Articles