The Level of Multiple Intelligences of Deaf Adult Students at Al-Ain University and The University of Tabuk

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Dr Ziyad Kamel Ellala, et. al.


The study aimed to identify the level of multiple intelligences among deaf adult students, attending both Al-Ain University and the University of Tabuk from their point of view in the light of multiple variables (including sex, university, employment). The study sample consisted of 82 deaf students divided among two groups. Thirty two (32) students were from Al-Ain University distributed 1 2) Student ) 11 (student.   From Tabuk University fifty (50) students were distributed into two groups of students numbering (23) and (27) respectively. To achieve the objectives of the study a scale developed by researcher Walter Mackenzie (Mackenzie, 1999) was used.  The scale scans multiple intelligences; included on the scale was eighty (80) statements distributed over eight (8) areas, where each area represents a kind of multiple intelligence.  To derive results, the mean, standard deviations and a T-test were used to answer the designated study questions.

The  Study Results showed c and d differences D of the self/inner intelligence, verbal/linguistic intelligence, social/external intelligence, visual/spatial intelligence, and

the total score of the scale was in favor of females. There were no significant differences in other areas depending on the variable sex (male, female). The results showed there to be significant differences in the field verbal intelligence/linguistic to the benefit of deaf adult students at Tabuk University in Saudi Arabia.  There was no significant differences in the other fields according to the university variable, Al Ain for Science and Technology and Tabuk. The results showed that there were statistically significant differences according to the emloyment condition variable in the intelligence fields verbal/linguistic, social/external, natural intelligence/environmental, physical/motor and musical/rhythmic) in favor of non-staff.  The absence of significant differences was found in the rest of the areas depending on the variable employment (employee, non-employee). The study came up with several recommendations.


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How to Cite
et. al., D. Z. K. E. (2021). The Level of Multiple Intelligences of Deaf Adult Students at Al-Ain University and The University of Tabuk. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(4), 549–567. Retrieved from
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