The Application of Restorative Justice in Handling Hoax Spreading Case

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Fantry Taherong, et. al.


Nowadays the number of hoaxes keeps increasing. With regard to the phenomena, the existence of law is considered of great importance in the society, since law does not only serve to enforce justice, regularity, peace and order, but also to guarantee legal certainty. In the latest development, an alternative is offered, which is to implement the concept of restorative justice. The concept of restorative justice is a popular alternative in many parts of the world to deal with unlawful conducts (unlawful in formal meaning) since it offers comprehensive and effective solutions.


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How to Cite
et. al., F. T. . (2021). The Application of Restorative Justice in Handling Hoax Spreading Case. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(10), 5198–5201.
Research Articles