An Analytical study of Wooden Handicraft Products- Global Market Trends and Challenges

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Mrs. Sudha N, et. al.


India is a country that contemplates important suppliers of Handicrafts in the global market. Handicrafts in turn imitations of tradition and culture and place of its origin have a way back the antiquity of development from many emperors.  Handicraft products are not measured as only decorative articles, it is now into the field of obligation, fashion, design, and style. It gratifying the needs of a range of customers from a local market to a global market in this viable and contemporary world by meeting all standards of the international market with the help of the government to encourage and development of the art sector. Segmentation of the global market and identify the target market has become at ease due to development facilities by the Government of India. But still, many artisans and craftsmen facing defies in entering global markets. The purpose of the study is to understand the global market trends of wooden handicraft products and to study the challenges of the global market. Based on this inward at finding and propositions to overcome these challenges.


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How to Cite
et. al., M. S. N. . (2021). An Analytical study of Wooden Handicraft Products- Global Market Trends and Challenges. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(10), 3326–3330. Retrieved from
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