A Study On The Problems Faced By Elderly People While Using Web-Based Applications During Pandemic Situation

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Muthukrishnan.R, et. al.


The study deals with the problems faced by elderly citizens while using the web-based applications during the pandemic situation started from January 27 2020. Most of the cities have been imposed curfew and lockdown, so that no one can come out of their house. They face many difficulties like paying the rent, electrical bill, banking transactions etc… The digital exclusion of elderly people is a significant contributor to low public e-service adoption. The situation is worrying because elderly people are a big target for many forthcoming government-supplied services, such as online health services. Governments should always aim to improve productivity and efficacy by playing an important role in a sustainable society so that publicly- based resources can be properly exploited. However, if the intended users of such services are excluded from or do not wish to use them, the sustainable implementation of public e-services is problematic. We need to know more about the views of elderly people as to why they are technologically removed to resolve this troublesome situation. Also, we present how these views can be classified and how they communicate in between as well. To increase the digital participation of elderly people, these results will serve as a framework for how to deal with these issues, which will increase their acceptance of public e- service in the long run.


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How to Cite
et. al., M. . (2021). A Study On The Problems Faced By Elderly People While Using Web-Based Applications During Pandemic Situation. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(10), 2941–2946. Retrieved from https://turcomat.org/index.php/turkbilmat/article/view/4944
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