Augmented Reality Mobile Application as Learning Media in Science Subject for the Post Gen Z Generation

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Feryanto et al.


The total population of Indonesia as of September 2020 is based on the official statistical news number 07/01/th. XXIV, 21 January 2021 issued by the Indonesian Statistics Center, totaling 270.20 million people and 10.88% or 29,397,760 people are the post Gen Z generation born from 2013 onwards with an estimated age up to 7 years of age. The post Gen Z generation is a generation that is categorized as early childhood. Moreover, learning from an early age is important so that children are familiarized with the knowledge they are most interested in and mastered so that it makes it easier for them to understand it. Especially if the learning material is delivered electronically via a smartphone which is associated with the application of the Augmented Reality (AR) method so that they are more interested in learning and with a different atmosphere in terms of delivering face-to-face subject matter in class which is sometimes boring. In this paper, we design and implement a learning model equipped with AR technology to make it easier for young children to learn subject matter that is important for their future and limited to science subject matter. In this paper, a mobile application with AR technology is proposed where users can learn from the images they capture and gain learning from the perspective of these images. What's more, the application of AR technology is also more practical and reduces the burden of carrying heavy and thick books in studying a subject matter. The model was designed using a use case diagram as a business process design and class diagrams for database design including the user interface as a representation of communication between users and applications.


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How to Cite
et al., F. (2021). Augmented Reality Mobile Application as Learning Media in Science Subject for the Post Gen Z Generation. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(6), 2012–2019. Retrieved from
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