Celebrity Advertising – A Critical Perspective

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Meenal P. Dhotre


Marketers enjoy several benefits from celebrity advertising. No one doubts about the influencing power of celebrities and possible impact of the same on the target audience. Even during pandemic situation, top Indian celebrities including popular cricketer players and Bollywood actors bagged many endorsement contracts.  But there is also a flip side of this association. Advertisers must remember that celebrity endorsements come with some inherent risks. They have to decide how far the benefits overweigh the risks associated with using celebrities before over relying on them. Considering the huge money involved in using celebrities, all advertisers need to question themselves whether the huge investments in roping celebrities are really worth it and make the conscious decision.

This paper at length discusses limitations of using celebrities as well as other possible risks with the celebrity association. Paper presents the literature summary by various researchers who have studied the darker side of celebrity advertising.


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How to Cite
Meenal P. Dhotre. (2021). Celebrity Advertising – A Critical Perspective. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(9), 2901–2906. Retrieved from https://turcomat.org/index.php/turkbilmat/article/view/4687
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