Characterization Of Plant Disease Prediction Using Convolutional Neural Network

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ShobhaRani.P, et. al.


Agriculture is one of the main factor that decides the growth of any country. In India itself around 65% of the population is based on agriculture. Due to various seasonal conditions the crops get infected by various kind of diseases. These diseases firstly affect the leaves of the plant and later infected the whole plant which in turn affect the quality and quantity of crop cultivated. As there are large number of plants in the farm, it becomes very difficult for the human eye to detect and classify the disease of each plant in the field. And it is very important to diagnose each plant because these diseases may spread. Hence in this paper we are introducing the artificial intelligence based automatic plant leaf disease detection and classification for quick and easy detection of disease and then classifying it and performing required remedies to cure that disease. This approach of ours goals towards increasing the productivity of crops in agriculture. In this approach we have follow several steps i.e. image collection, image preprocessing, segmentation and classification.


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How to Cite
et. al., S. . (2021). Characterization Of Plant Disease Prediction Using Convolutional Neural Network. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(10), 1905–1912. Retrieved from
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