The Use of Computer Technologies in the Professional Training of Bachelors of Arts in the Context of Distance Learning

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Оleksandra A. Barytska, et. al.


In the context of a pandemic and the introduction of quarantine measures, the issue of proper organisation of the educational process without interfering with the curriculum becomes especially relevant. Distance learning is a way to solve this problem, but for this type of learning to be effective, it is necessary to understand what digital technologies will help to master the educational programme. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to identify which of the modern digital technologies are the most effective for distance learning, and based on the analysis to develop a model of online training for bachelors of arts. The study applied an analysis, which helped to evaluate modern digital technologies in terms of efficiency for use in distance learning, and modelling, which helped to create an optimal learning model in terms of distance learning. The analysis considered the concept of "distance learning" and the system of its implementation in the educational process. Six main stages that will ensure a rapid and effective transition to distance learning were identified, which almost all educational institutions in Ukraine had to face. It was found that the provision of digital technologies and the necessary technical equipment is one of the most pressing issues of the modern education system. The analysis of online resources has shown that at the present time the mastering of the curriculum of art specialities is significantly complicated by the transition to distance learning and a number of shortcomings. The practical significance of the study is that the developed model of online learning is ready for implementation, and the recommendations can be used when developing an educational programme for distance learning.


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How to Cite
et. al. О. A. B. . (2021). The Use of Computer Technologies in the Professional Training of Bachelors of Arts in the Context of Distance Learning. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(10), 1556–1563. Retrieved from
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