M-Cuckoo and SVM Classification Algorithm Based Opinion Mining

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Malathi. M, Dr. Antony Selvadoss Thanamani


Opinion Mining or Sentiment Analysis is a task in the processing of natural language to find the customers' mood about buying a specific product or subject. It involves developing a framework in many online shopping sites to gather and review opinions about the product made. Opinion mining is a sub-field of the mining of web content. Data mining is a branch of Web content mining. Opinions are statements that reflect the opinion or sentiment of individuals. Opinion on objects or events is also given in this statement. For any person, reviewing consumer review is more relevant in making the right buying product and organization decision. CS is the best search algorithm inspired by cuckoos' breeding behavior. It provides a short overview of the nature-inspired algorithm's applications. The CS algorithm is used in various fields, such as business, image processing, wireless sensor networks, flood forecasting, document clustering, speaker recognition, distributed system shortest path, health sector, job scheduling. In terms of better efficiency and less processing time, the Cuckoo algorithm performs various nature-inspired algorithms. Therefore, this research paper proposes a hybrid feature selection which is a combination of cuckoo search and mRMR (Minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance) algorithm. Due to the subjective nature of social media reviews, hybrid feature selection technique outperforms the traditional technique. The performance factors like f-measure, recall, precision, and accuracy tested on Amazon dataset using Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier.


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How to Cite
Dr. Antony Selvadoss Thanamani, M. M. . (2021). M-Cuckoo and SVM Classification Algorithm Based Opinion Mining. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(4), 16–22. Retrieved from https://turcomat.org/index.php/turkbilmat/article/view/456
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