Energy Efficient Routing Protocall By One Way Multi-Hope Sensor Nodes

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Heba Hussain Hadi, et. al.


Multi-hope is widely used for data aggregation and transmission in various applications. The resource availability determines the life time of a WSN. Sensor nodes are powered by a tiny battery that supplies the required energy for the sensor and transmitter. The residual energy available at any moment decides the fitness of the sensor node. The sensor node senses the environment and transmits the data to the sink. Efficient data transmission and aggregation with less energy consumption can prolong the lifetime of the sensor network. The sensor node that is inside the coverage area of the sink can directly transmit the data to sink in a single-hop transmission. The sensor node that is not inside the coverage area should transmit the data to the neighbor node which is in the coverage area of the sink. The data is then turn transmitted by the node close to it fall in multi-hop transmission involving a number of intermediate nodes to forward the data to the sink and consumes extra energy for the forwarding process. The formation clusters and data transmission of data by Cluster Heads (CH) can eliminate many nodes involved in the transmission of same data. Clusters are a group of self-organized nodes in a geographic location that can communicate among them. A node in a cluster with higher residual energy will be acting as CH and all other nodes in the cluster transmit the data to the CH. The CH transmits the aggregated data to the sink. The CH transmits the data to the sink either in single-hop transmission or multi-hop transmission. The cluster head consumes more energy than other nodes in the cluster as it is involved in aggregation and transmission process.


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How to Cite
et. al., H. H. H. . (2021). Energy Efficient Routing Protocall By One Way Multi-Hope Sensor Nodes. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(7), 3401–3410. Retrieved from
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