Prediction of Cardiac Disease Based on Patient’s Symptoms

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I Juvanna, R VinithVaran, R Ragul, G B Bharath Raj


The detection of comparative sign of likely side effects and symptoms which may additionally rapid identification of cardiovascular diseases utilizing data gathered from past patients just as input data taken from client at that specific time. Recent condition of healthcare system data scrutiny for observation are not, at this point fundamentally a period building arrangement of daily counts. All things considered, a profusion of proposed longitudinal just as temporal demographic, symptom data are accessible at  data introduced during the time of execution. Our proposed method contains all data  that is being exploited as classification approach that analyses recent health-care data against data from that specific base distributed and hence classifies subclasses the given data. Likewise, test data utilized is tried against  different kinds of classification , other propose test scores have been of prediction.


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How to Cite
I Juvanna, R VinithVaran, R Ragul, G B Bharath Raj. (2021). Prediction of Cardiac Disease Based on Patient’s Symptoms. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(10), 1538–1546. Retrieved from
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