Enhanced Protective System For Children In School Transportation

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Manoharan. S, et. al.



The higher number of vehicles on the roads increase in the number of road accidents worldwide. And these problems are considered as major public safety problem. A major part of providing a quality education to every children is ensuring their safety during transportation from their home to school. Thus, we have developed a smart and effective school bus system for the safety of children while transportation. This paper discusses about the hardware-based smart and effective school bus system for ensuring and monitoring the safety of school-going children through school bus. In this project, vehicles are considered as the main key enabling technology to improve children safety and the emergence of next-generation cooperative intelligent transport systems (ITS). In ITS, network services and applications (e.g., safety messages) will require event location information. Faster and efficient routing protocols could play a vital role in the applications of ITS, safe guarding both the driver and the children and thus maintaining a safe on-road environment. In this project, an intelligent transportation system (ITS) is designed to monitor real evacuation tests where an emergency event has been simulated and experimented and a general methodology is reported with the description of the main models and procedures. Models are calibrated and validated employing observed data obtained from ITS.


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How to Cite
et. al., M. S. . (2021). Enhanced Protective System For Children In School Transportation. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(10), 1415–1419. Retrieved from https://turcomat.org/index.php/turkbilmat/article/view/4447
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