Power Quality Improvement using Intelligent Controllers for a Grid Connected Wind Energy System

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Dr.M.Panneer Selvam, et. al.


The design and performance of single- stage single-stage wind energy meet in the integrated energy quality controller. An essential aspect of shunt compensator the effect of the consonant material is to reduce or prevent the load. In the existing technology, buck-boost converter based power quality improvement for a renewable energy framework. The trouble is the chaotic plan, the high past plan, the conversion mode, and the wave in the current cycle. Therefore, in the proposed technology, the power quality improvement for renewable energy-based (Static Synchronous Compensator) STATCOM based ANFIS demonstrations. Probability by taking into account the high accuracy and low calculation time in the planning and assessing flood vulnerability. Also known as a regulator, on-off regulator, or hysteresis regulator, it is a critical regulator that switches between the two states. These regulators can be traced to a component that gives hysteria. Introduced the KY Help Converter, which merges with the KY Converter Custom Lift Converter. Such a converter has uninterrupted information and yields inductive currents, not the same as a conventional lift converter. Furthermore, subsequently, this converter is suitable for low-bloat applications. The proposed converter's classified outlines to test this currency converter's efficiency are given, along with some experimental results.


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How to Cite
et. al., D. S. . (2021). Power Quality Improvement using Intelligent Controllers for a Grid Connected Wind Energy System. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(9), 2828–2838. Retrieved from https://turcomat.org/index.php/turkbilmat/article/view/4367
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