Social Impact Of Revitalization And Pedestrianization In Malioboro, The City Center Of Yogyakarta, Indonesia

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Ahmad MUNAWAR, et. al.


Malioboro  street is the oldest and  the  largest  shopping area in Yogyakarta,    is situated in the city center of Yogyakarta. As a shopping area, Malioboro Street has not enough facilities to ensure its success. A shopping area must also, and increasingly, depends on safe and pleasant condition for walking about within it.   Therefore, Malioboro street should be pedestrianized. . This study will clarify the social  impact by the project and  the opinions from the affected stake holders on the development perspectives of Malioboro Street. The target groups are commercial sectors (hotel owner and shop owner), transportation sectora (parking attendance, pedicab and horse-cart drivers), vendors and community in the sourrounding Area. It is then concluded that social impact of revitalization and pedestriaziation in Malioboro should be taken into account to ensure its success.  


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How to Cite
et. al., . A. M. (2021). Social Impact Of Revitalization And Pedestrianization In Malioboro, The City Center Of Yogyakarta, Indonesia . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(10), 746–753. Retrieved from
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