Estimation of all-terminal network reliability using press forward GA with stochastic selection method

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Anuradha, et. al.


Network reliability is an important measure of how well the network meets its design aim and mathematically is the probability that a network will perform communication efficiently for at least a given period of time. The reliability analysis is used for determining the probability of correct functioning of a system in terrain conditions. Estimating the all-terminal network reliability is an NP-hard problem, the press forward Genetic Algorithm is also an alternative to solve the problem of all-terminal network reliability. This paper presents a reliability evaluation method by using a feed-forward genetic algorithm with a random selection of nodes and links i.e., estimate the network reliability such that the flow is not less than a given threshold. To verify the efficiency of an algorithm, various sets of runs are applied to identify the most reliable network and the algorithm is tested on the network size of 2,4,6,8, --------256 nodes with link N(N-1)/2. The results of the algorithm are obtained for all-terminal reliability problem based on close analysis of the complexity of the network. Our assumption for reliability evaluation of node 1 to node N, with link reliability of 50%. Another result of the proposed GA approach is the significant reduction in computational time.


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How to Cite
et. al., A. . (2021). Estimation of all-terminal network reliability using press forward GA with stochastic selection method. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(8), 2875–2893. Retrieved from
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