The Model for Managing T-Sports Channel on the Internet

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Somthop Thithathan, et. al.


The objective of the study is to propose the proper management model and the T Sports Channel’s content for the
Thai context by using the qualitative research by the means of studying the document research and focus group among 20 key
informants. The purposive sampling was also used for selecting the criteria of those key informants which are as follows: The
governor of Sport Authority of Thailand, the director of T Sport Chanel, and those people who are the stakeholders of the T
Sport Chanel procedure, such as creative directors, organizer and moderators, producers, production technology supervisors,
reporters, moderators, the successful sport channel administrators, media academician, sport marketer. The tools for collecting
the data were the document analysis and focus group, and analyzed by content analysis. The result found that the best practices
for processing 5 T Sport channels on digital TV and the internet system both domestic and international was processing the T
Sport channels, they should manage the channel for fitting to the sport content, using massive budget for developing the
interesting contents, buying the copyright of broadcasting, broadcasting the popular sport from their own variety channels for
approaching most of the target customers


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How to Cite
et. al., S. T. (2021). The Model for Managing T-Sports Channel on the Internet. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(8), 2844–2846. Retrieved from
Research Articles