Historical Drama for the Dissemination of Government Policies

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Manissa Vasinarom, et. al.


This research aims to study historical drama for the dissemination of government policies. The scope of the study
focuses on the dissemination of the government policies of Thai leaders in the Rattanakosin period, using a mixed research
method. The results showed that, historical drama was a communication tool for leaders to create their identity and present the
image of the leaders and the country. There are 2 types of drama: comedy and tragedy. The drama content presented mainstream
history and alternative history, including the way of life of the protagonist, the confrontation with crisis, and the outcome. The
theme of the drama includes the personality of the leaders, the leader’s groups, the key situations, the ideals and practices of the
leaders, and the contributions to the society. The role of historical drama in terms of policy dissemination is redundant and
difficult to distinguish clearly. The prominent role of drama found in this study is for communication, education, entertainment,
symbol of honor for royalties, public relations, image building, community identity, motivation, and treatment. The historical
drama changed according to leadership, social, government, and government policies. The drama creation is based on historical
data with modification according to the purposes of the creator and tastes of the audiences. Timely publishing will affect the
popularity of the performance, and may lead to the changes that the leaders expect.


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How to Cite
et. al., M. . V. (2021). Historical Drama for the Dissemination of Government Policies . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(8), 2747–2752. Retrieved from https://turcomat.org/index.php/turkbilmat/article/view/3999
Research Articles