The Promotion of Local Culinary Tourism in Rayong

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Krirkkit Chairatana, et. al.


This research aimed to promote local culinary tourism in Rayong, study behavior and satisfaction of Thai tourists towards local culinary tourism in Rayong, and develop the guidelines for promoting local culinary tourism in Rayong. The questionnaires were used to collect data from 400 Thai tourists visting Rayong. An appropriate sample size was determined confidence level at 95% and collect the data by convenience sampling. The data was analyzed by descriptive statistics to analyze the potential of local culinary tourism in Rayong. The findings revealed that the promotion of local culinary tourism in Rayong was presented in 4 aspects. For the identity of local culinary, the satisfaction of tourists towards unique local culinary was rated at the highest level, ( x ̅= 4.32). For the worthiness, satisfaction towards reasonable price was rated at the highest level, (x ̅= 4.14). For the quality of local culinary, satisfaction towards freshness was rated at the highest level, (x ̅= 4.10). For the service provider, tourist’s satisfaction towards informing clearly about local culinary was rated at the highest level, (x ̅= 3.90). Furthermore, there should be more active advertise because technology is one of the best ways to search the tourism information


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How to Cite
et. al., K. C. . (2021). The Promotion of Local Culinary Tourism in Rayong. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(8), 2626–2631. Retrieved from
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