Create a 3D map from the old town of Lopburi Province on Mobile

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Duangthip Rubporndee, et. al.


Research in creating a three-dimensional model for tourist attractions in the Old Town, Lop Buri Province, which has
data sources from the Lop Buri Old Town Tourism Information Book, divided by age according to the era of the various places.
Solved by creating three-dimensional models which is a research method with the objective of 1. To build an archaeological site
that is the main point in all three dimensions according to the era. 2. To create a tourist map of the Old City in Lop Buri Province
in a three-dimensional model 3. To assess the satisfaction of users of the Old Town Tourism Map in Lop Buri Province 4. To
transfer technology to interested parties or interested agencies Which begins by bringing information from books And analyze
concepts for use in event planning It consists of collecting data in a multi-angle, horizontal real-time shooting for creating historic
sites in a three-dimensional model. To import into a two-dimensional tourist map model. Target group Are interested parties and
80 tourists. Research findings that the overall satisfaction level at a high level. The overall average score is 4.29, the standard
deviation is 0.678 and when analyzed in each aspect, it is found that the highest score is at the technical level. With an average
score of 4.73, the standard deviation of 0.458, with the highest level of satisfaction


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How to Cite
et. al., D. R. (2021). Create a 3D map from the old town of Lopburi Province on Mobile . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(8), 2612–2616. Retrieved from
Research Articles