Design and Test of Agri-Voltaic System

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Manoch Kumpanalaisatit, et. al.


Agri-voltaic system is the combination between solar photovoltaic power generation and plant cultivation. A 480 Wp ground-mounted solar panel system was designed and constructed. After that, a plant plot sizing 1 x 7 m under this solar panel was design as well as 175 vegetations of bok choy were then grown. The potential of agri-voltaic system consisting of efficiency of solar power generation, the bok choy yield and the land equivalent ratio of system were monitored and evaluated. The system could generate power at around 1.05 kW/day (31.00 kW/month). In addition, 8.00 kg/plot of bok choy yield was obtained. The total value of both systems could make up to $6.34 a month ($3.73 and $2.61 from solar power generation and plant production, respectively). The land equivalent ratio (LER) of system was 1.80 which was indicated that the agri-voltaic system could increase the land value up to 80%.


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How to Cite
et. al., M. K. . (2021). Design and Test of Agri-Voltaic System . Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(8), 2395–2404. Retrieved from
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