Phishing Website Detection Using Novel Features And Machine Learning Approach

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S.T.Deepa, et. al.


Phishing, a type of digital assault adversely affects individuals where the client is coordinated to counterfeit sites and tricked to uncover their delicate and individual data which incorporates passwords of records, bank subtleties, ATM pin-card subtleties and so forth Subsequently shielding touchy data from malwares or web real; irregular woods phishing is troublesome. Inferable from the restrictions of existing advances in identifying a phishing site, anticipating that the users should notice and can decide if a URL is phishing or genuine would be unreasonable, wasteful and mistaken. Consequently, in tending to these difficulties, a robotized approach should be considered for phishing site recognition. This research aims at detecting phishing website using novel features and machine learning algorithm. The input URL websites are first feature extracted using Convolutional auto encoder. Then those features are sent to deep neural network classifier for better classification of Phishing and legitimate URL’s. The system is tested for its accuracy and detection rate. It shows that the implemented system is best in detecting phishing websites with 89% accuracy.


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How to Cite
et. al., S. . (2021). Phishing Website Detection Using Novel Features And Machine Learning Approach. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(7), 2648–2653. Retrieved from
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