Should I go or Not go to Office? Challenges And Opportunities in Remote Working in An Indian Commercial Vehicle Organisation

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Madhusudhanan.K, et. al.


Ensuring business continuity and achieving employee productivity are the major questions which commercial vehicle organizations try to find the answer while implementing work from home or remote learning. Traditionally the commercial vehicle organization being physical in nature had limited or no scope of remote working. Increase in technology and digital collaboration platforms have paved the way for remote working in commercial vehicle organization also. While there are many advantages and positive aspects of implementing the remote working, it also comes with its share of challenges and difficulties implementing them. While setting a clear and structured job expectation is necessary, equal important is to have a well-defined employee friendly human resource policy suitable for remote working to equip the executives to deliver.


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How to Cite
et. al., M. (2021). Should I go or Not go to Office? Challenges And Opportunities in Remote Working in An Indian Commercial Vehicle Organisation. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT), 12(8), 2097–2102. Retrieved from
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